France is a unique and very diverse country. Obviously, the big city around the world include a wide range of people, cultures, religions, and yes, languages, duh. Although a majority of the people in Paris speak French, many speak just enough English to the point you could make a decent conversation with them. However, it would be wise to download a translator on your phone before your trip. Google Translate even has a feature that allows you to translate signs and banners by taking a picture of it on your phone! You should me just fine in many restaurants, as they will either have an english translation of the menu, or a waiter who speaks english. Often times, as was the case on this trip, we had both. To add to the confusion, many people speak different dialects of french depending on what part of the country they are from, such as Breton in the northwest part of the country. Other than French and English, Many Parisians speak Spanish, German, Italian, and even Arabic.

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